ComponentOne Zip for UWP
Zip for UWP Task-Based Help / Opening a Zip File from Embedded Resources
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    Opening a Zip File from Embedded Resources
    In This Topic

    You can load a file from your project's embedded resources by using the following code. In this example the project namespace is "ZipFileDemo". The file is located in the project’s root directory and has its Build property set to Embedded Resource.

    Add the following imports statement to the top of your project:

    Copy Code
    using System.Reflection;
    using C1.C1Zip;

    Add the following code to your project:

    Copy Code
    // Open a zip file from embedded resources   
    C1ZipFile zip = new C1ZipFile();
    Assembly asm = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
    Stream stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream("");
    // Load entries into FlexGrid
    //_flex.ItemsSource = zip.Entries;
    See Also